
Ukrainian Orthodox Church condemns manifestations of “language of hate”

15 Квітня 2019

Dear brothers and sisters!


Over the last few months, the difficult circumstances, in which is our country, have become more complicated because of disputes in society and in the media around the issue of the election of the Head of our State. The pre-election period is marked with high emotional tension.

With regret and sadness we must admit that it is not always possible for the clergy of the Local Ukrainian Orthodox Church to refrain from excessive negative emotions in the public space.

In this regard, we emphasize that the personal opinion of certain priests regarding a particular socio-political issue is not a reflection of the official position of the entire Local Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

We emphasize: The Church calls on the faithful in the spirit of Christian responsibility to refrain from aggression in communication. We would like to remind the words of the Gospel: “I say to you, that every empty word that men say, they will answer the judgment day” (Matthew 12:36). This applies not only to the words spoken aloud, but also to those printed on paper or electronically transmitted texts distributed through the Internet.

 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.  In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,  and do not give the devil a foothold” (Еph. 4:25-27)   – teaches us the Word of God.

Everyone has the right to his own opinion and position, especially when it comes to responsibility for the future of Ukraine, but the clergy must express their views constructively, remembering the spiritual responsibility and calling to give others a good example in words and deeds.


Press service of the Kyiv Metropolis

Ukrainian Orthodox Church (OCU)